Calculate Cost of Delay

The ideal context for this play is a financially savvy company struggling with product prioritization conversations that are emotional, anecdote-driven, and intuitive.

Calculate Cost of Delay
Don't worry, it's barely algebra. (Photo credit Nayuki)

This is a play that you probably shouldn't try in your company. When I've raised the idea at some places, people looked at me as if I had two heads. Still, it's powerful if used the right place, with some sensitivity. And it's a good 'extreme option' to think about as you're deciding how to prioritize.


The ideal context for this play is a financially savvy company struggling with product prioritization conversations that are emotional, anecdote-driven, and intuitive. Consider this play if you're getting lots of requests of dubious value and pressure to help in urgent deals. Use when important players are talking a lot about ideas that seem to have very low potential impact, but politics make it risky to call them out directly on it.

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Jamie Larson